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Games : Death By Flying Urinal: HL2 DM Tournament
Posted by Hydro on 2013/10/16 19:10:00 (6212 reads)

Click to see original Image in a new window
Heres the info regarding tomorrows HL2 DM tournament!
Death by Flying Urinal hath returned!
Thursday 17th October 9pm GMT

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Games : Weekend With The Wolfpack
Posted by Whisky on 2013/4/17 14:14:36 (8106 reads)


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Games : Friday the 13th...
Posted by Hemi on 2011/5/12 20:10:00 (8910 reads)

he's coming.... tonight he will kill again....and he will stay there until everyone is dead!
Braindead//Buzz//Hemi salute the WPC!

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Games : DOOM 3 V4 update
Posted by Hemi on 2011/4/22 16:50:00 (9264 reads)

DOOM 3 V4 update

Download the Ragdolls for the doom models :
install readme inside

Games : New Shotgun : Moss12
Posted by Hemi on 2011/4/13 15:00:00 (9447 reads)

Download it now on the modded servers and start shooting.

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Games : NEW AVP DLC Announced
Posted by Hemi on 2010/7/1 12:40:00 (11946 reads)

Sega has just announced the new Aliens vs Predator DLC! Like the previous DLC, this pack consists of 4 maps :: 2 Survivor and 2 multiplayer:

The Bughunt Map Pack contains two new multiplayer maps for the six different competitive online modes; Deathmatch, Predator Hunt, Infestation, Species Deathmatch, Mixed Species Deathmatch and Domination, as well as two new maps for the "Survival" mode in which a team of up to four Marines fight to survive against the increasing horde of Aliens. For the first time, these maps will include environmental hazards and new weather effects, detailed descriptions of these maps are available on

You have "Crash Site", "Furious", "Tempest" and "Monument" – all of which provide different challenges. The "Bughunt Map Pack" will be available on 7th July for €5.99/ £4.79/ AUS$9.95 / 560 Microsoft Points.

Sega have also released a trailer for the new content. For more details descriptions of the maps and some pictures, check out the official Sega announcement. Thanks to AVPGalaxy for the news.

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Games : AVP PC Patch 5 Provisional Release notes
Posted by Buzz on 2010/6/25 22:00:00 (12093 reads)

The following notes are the provisional release details of PC patch 5. This is currently scheduled for release early next week (28th June onwards) assuming QA approval. Please note that once Patch 5 goes live, all dedicated servers will need to update to the new version before they can be played on.

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Games : PC Servers Patched!
Posted by Webley on 2010/3/23 13:00:00 (9680 reads)

The new update has brought in a long list of fixes to AvP (Click "Read more" for the full list). Some of these fixes were aimed at balancing the game and others server stability. 

With this brings new server setups. You will see the following setups in the server browser:

18 player server -[WPC]1
18 player server -[WPC]2
15 player server -[WPC]3
12 player server -[WPC]4

(All currently TDM)

This will allow for the frantic type play and more personal encounters with your prey depending on the selected server. 

Thanks to B-2 and Buzz for making this possible

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Games : WPC Steam Group
Posted by Webley on 2010/3/22 14:20:00 (9620 reads)

Weeperr has setup a new Steam group for our PC players to join - Feel free to invite WPC friends into the group but of course this will be a central hub for our PC players mainly.

You can join the group by heading over to -

The tool can be used for announcements, events, voice chat, text chat and the usual links to our main website! Look forward to seeing you in there!


Games : Aliens vs. Predator Swarm Map Pack DLC Now Available + PATCH #3
Posted by Webley on 2010/3/18 9:30:00 (12539 reads)

Aliens vs. Predator Swarm Map Pack is now available on Steam.

The Swarm Map Pack includes four new maps: Two new Survivor maps and two multiplayer maps for six different online modes.

The Swarm Map Pack will be available in North America tomorrow at 9 AM PST.


There is also a new patch on the way...

Rebellion have released 2 patches for the PC since release. They’ve just recently announced that the 3rd is not far off and that the console versions will also be receiving some fine-tuning:


Rebellion today confirmed that analysis of player feedback following the launch of the chart-topping Aliens vs Predator will shortly lead to the release of a patch on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Following updates to the PC, including integration of a Dedicated Server client, the company stated: “We are aware of and grateful to the community for communicating with us and helping this process along. The updates are going through rigorous QA and we hope to have them available publicly very soon.”

Among numerous balancing and weapon tweaks, Xbox Live players will see the removal of long waiting times reported by some players when searching for a ranked match, and improved support for southpaw players. Other modifications include XP being incorrectly affected by offline play and team balancing logic for applicable modes.

Rebellion CEO Jason Kingsley added: “We’ve been overwhelmed with the response to AVP and want our fans to know if it’s within our power to keep them happy through on-going support then we shall do so. Some things just can’t be foreseen and it’s great that we are able to respond to requests for modifications in this way.”


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Games : First DLC Swarms To Aliens vs Predator 18th March
Posted by Webley on 2010/3/8 16:50:00 (9414 reads)


The first downloadable content for Aliens vs Predator will shortly be available for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC platforms. Featuring 4 new maps for different multiplayer modes, previously only available in the Special Editions, this downloadable content will challenge all three species for the fight of their existence.

Two new Multiplayer maps for six different online modes (Deathmatch, Predator Hunt, Infestation, Species Deathmatch, Mixed Species Deathmatch and Domination) :

• Docks: The caustic alkali waters of BG-386 put an end to Weyland-Yutani’s planned shipping activities.
• Machine: As well as processing exotic ores, the BG-386 Refinery provided electrical power to the colonists at Freya’s Prospect.

Two new Survivor maps in which up to four Marines battle to stay alive against increasing swarms of Aliens:

• Outpost: The site of the original Weyland-Yutani colony on BG-386 was abandoned, and soon reclaimed by the planet’s voracious jungle plant life.

• Hive: Deep in the heart of the Freya’s Prospect Refinery lays the Xenomorph Hive.

The “Swarm Map Pack” will be available on 18 March for €5.99/ £4.79/ 560 Microsoft Points.


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Games : AVP PC Dedicated Servers are up! AVP2 with Blaze + Sneek peek at Predators (Movie)
Posted by Webley on 2010/3/3 13:50:00 (10869 reads)

This is just a post to inform you all that our 3 AVP Dedicated servers are up.

This means we currently host:
2x AVP2 Server
3x AVP Server
1x Teamspeak Server 

(Courtesy of Buzznet, B-2?)

Please give a massive thanks for [WPC] Buzz for making this possible (and B-2?)

Also tonight and tomorrow night we will be sending a fond fair well to our 8 year old veteran member and long fang [WPC] Blaze by playing AvP2 on our dedicated server. If you have lost the discs this can be downloaded from the [WPC] menu on the left when you log in. You do not require a CD key.
Download Nanospy to browse for our server IP's 

We wish him the best of luck with joining the Army! *Salute*

On a separate note watch this video for some interesting footage for the new Predators film up and coming for 2010. Contains some spoiling information. 

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Games : Incoming Patch on Monday and Dedicated Server Beta!
Posted by Webley on 2010/2/25 16:40:00 (9353 reads)

We’ve been hard at work listening to and addressing your concerns and are pleased to announce that Monday will see the release of an update to Aliens vs Predator, see below for detail on what will be included.

We will also have news on an additional feature we know many of you have been waiting for which is now ready for a closed Beta test!

Please remember and check the revised Readme file when the update becomes available for additional information on the following.

- Stability improvements to address rare and infrequent hangs
- Implemented a workaround for missing audio issues with certain hardware (SoundBlaster X-Fi, Realtek onboard, etc.)
- Fixed save games being lost or corrupted if connection to Steam is lost or if user switches to offline play

- Fixed XP being incorrectly affected by offline play (though only in the local stats; this will be corrected next time you connect to multiplayer)
- Fixed other players sometimes appearing to have the wrong weapon or continuing to fire indefinitely after dying
- Fixed rare issue where players would be temporarily invisible
- Fixed some selection of servers and players in menus sometimes being incorrect

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Games : Rebellion elated with AvP sales, wants sequel
Posted by Webley on 2010/2/25 13:20:00 (9903 reads)


CEO Jason Kingsley happy with most reviews of the title

Longstanding UK developer Rebellion has revealed its delight after new release Aliens Versus Predator shot to number one in the UK charts.

And the studio told Develop that it’s keen to progress negotiations with Sega for a sequel to the game.

“We’re delighted to see the game shoot to the top of the UK charts,” said company co-founder and CEO Jason Kingsley, speaking from Paris.

“We wanted Aliens Versus Predator to be a critical success as well as a commercial success, which we think we have achieved.

“We’re also in discussions with Sega about ongoing support for AvP, and also about a sequel to the game,” he added.


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Games : New members and Old Members Welcome!!!
Posted by Webley on 2010/2/21 9:30:00 (5729 reads)

Ok firstly i would like to congratulate some new members who have applied - I welcome you into the pack. The proccess for applicatants has been fairly hasty, this is mainly because theres so much to be done, and recruitment was on the list so to get this out the way i welcome:


(SORRY, i made a mistake with some applicants - as i havent had time to read one important long post regarding new members - i have had to remove some of you, you are still applicants, there has been a new recruitment officer assigned to handle your requests)

I would also like to welcome old members and members who were on the site but had no rank placed onto thier name, to make this more obvious I have updated everyone to show as [WPC] Pack Member so you know whos a member and who is not by looking at this list here (If you think someone should be in this list pm me or Tic)

If your are an old returning member you get instant membership, please pm me or Tic or any Long Fang

Please if your in this list and i have assumed wrongly that you should be a member of the clan, let me know and i shall remove you. Maybe some teething problems doing this, but at least i now know who is a member and who is not, so I/we can work from there.

Can i also congratulate some members who have taken more active rolls in the clan and the community.

These are as follows (no particular order):

Founders: Hotblack, Silentwolf, Webley, Solo
Long Fang (High council): Blaze
Blood Howler (Designer): Hemi
Pack Master (Recruitment): Tic
Pack Keeper (Moderator): MrShad
Lair Keeper (Server Admin): Buzz
Pack Warrior (War Admin): Processing... (TBC)

Posted by Webley on 2010/2/19 16:10:00 (11546 reads)

Ok regarding the MP maps not being so good, looks like everyones answer to a good map is here in the soon to be DLC. (prolly will cost extra cash for those who didnt buy special editions but this is not confirmed)

They are called

OUTPOST ... Contents-Spread-BBFC2.jpg

Games : Some things about the full game...
Posted by Webley on 2010/2/19 8:20:00 (8888 reads)

Here are some of my first impressions about the game!

  • You cant choose class in ranked matches - it chooses for you
  • Ranked matches are hosted by someone - was horrible last night as all my hosts were american due to nobody in europe getting the game yet
  • Match making for ranked matches is a little slow atm for EU players mainly cus its mostly americans online with it atm - also makes games laggy. This will get better as time goes on and people who pre-ordered get thier games delievered
  • If its laggy pred cant throw his weapons very well at all
  • You have the option to disable motion blur
  • If you have dx11 card you get more 3d options
  • SP is good - i like the alien campaign more than preds - marine is scary
  • Teaming with marines prolly makes them the best class
  • XPgained from any class contributes to the unlocking of all skins - not just its own
  • Little arrows show you where your team mates are on the map (inc preds)
  • Maps are pretty poor, the shape shifting pyramid one will get on your nerves and marine dominates it with rifles down small corridors - most maps are jungles or ruins or temples which are open and fav pred more than alien - marine finds it kinda hard to on open maps but always seem to do well - refinery has the best fps compared to the others
  • Overall, takes some getting used to, but it does get better the more you play it RE maps (NOTE i do not have the special edition maps that come as Downloadable content with Survivor)
  • FF is enabled in ranked matches (if your a tdm fan beware) yep, you can unlock the wolf skin for predator!!! i havent unlocked the wolf, lord or Spartan and many of the others, but it shows you the names of the skins!!! some interesting alien skins to :)

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Posted by Webley on 2010/2/18 13:20:00 (9042 reads)

Yep, went down to my local store and picked up my copy. owned....

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Games : My AVP Multiplayer review
Posted by Webley on 2010/2/17 21:20:00 (9327 reads)

A little rushed because we get many hits from google by searching "avp review" so i drafted something more credible

read it here - ... ;post_id=702#forumpost702

Games : AVP Species Deathmatch Video
Posted by Webley on 2010/2/16 17:50:00 (8242 reads)

Something for the tastebuds sir?


Click on read more to see the video.

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